Monday, April 5, 2010

A New E-Learning Blog in Town!
Check out IMU's New E-Learning Blog: CLICK HERE

This blog's main mission is to explore and discuss how we can use e-learning or technology to enhance the learning process at IMU (International Medical University).

Everyone is welcome to participate in this learning exploration. If you have an e-learning story (or story using technology in the classroom or anywhere) to share with IMU (and beyond), you are more than welcome. One way to participate is by commenting on the blog posts. However, it would be even better, if you took up the challenge to write a blog post (200+ words) about your little e-learning story (related to medical education). Although, you are free to include what you want, it would be great if the write-up answered the following questions:
  • What? (Topic/Learning outcome/Project/Approach/e-Learning tools used/expectations/etc)
  • Why? (Reasons for choosing that approach/tool, if any)
  • How? (Implementation process)
  • Feedback? (Student feedback: Survey, Interview, Focus Groups, Observation, Comments, etc.)
  • Findings? (Lessons learned: Positive/Negative/Areas for Improvement)
  • Next Steps? (Continue/Change approach/Adapt/Enhance/etc.)
The write-up does not need to be so scientific or anything like a journal publication. If it is written using a conversational and opinionated format, it is totally fine as this is a blog (and not a journal). As long as you have an e-learning story to share that you feel could add value, or promote e-learning at IMU, this blog is ready to explore the possibilities.

Even if you have an e-learning story to tell, but no time to write about it, please share it with the E-Learning Department, because we could always blog the story for you.

Real life stories (challenge, success, failure) can act as powerful change agents (proof-of-concept, word-of-mouth, motivation, drive), and we do hope that this exploring blog will assist in facilitating positive change to enhance learning at IMU. However, we should not loose sight of the fact that technology can't solve all the teaching and learning challenges at IMU, and at times could even cause more harm than good, if used inappropriately.

The real challenge is to find the right formula (algorithm) for effective learning to take place, and hopefully this blog can play a small role there as it explores what is happening at IMU and beyond :)

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