Wednesday, June 2, 2010

IMU Learning Series Launched!
(to read the first article)


The idea with this 'IMU Learning Series' initiative is to invite lecturers at IMU to share their learning and teaching experiences, and how they are innovating and inspiring students to learn and think (short articles: 250 - 1000 words). Later, we will also be inviting students to come forward sharing their learning stories and best practices.

A few more lecturers have also taken up the challenge (in progress), and hopefully more will follow. There are a lot of innovations and inspiring learning stories happening at IMU, and it would be wonderful if more lecturers came forward to share them. Especially, younger less experienced lecturers at IMU could benefit tremendously from these reflective learning and teaching stories.

Also, these learning stories will also be reaching many educators and learners beyond IMU. To date, IMU e-Learning Blog has had visitors from more than 50 countries (within a couple of months).

Finally, imagine if many IMU lecturers participate in sharing their inspiring learning stories over the coming months. By year end, we could actually compile and organize 'IMU Learning Series' articles into a digital e-book (e.g. IMU Learning Series 2010), which would be a wonderful learning resource.

In short, let's celebrate and participate sharing our inspiring learning stories and best practices.

Think big, start small, innovate fast

Let's make a difference! :)

Finally, if you are interested in experiencing IMU E-Learning learning stream on Facebook (including pictures from learning sessions), just CLICK HERE :)

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